50° Finale Campionato Italiano a Squadre Master e 11° Femminile 2018

Press Release 19th April 2018

In a week, the 50th ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM MASTER and 11th FEMALE 2018 of the Italian Chess Federation, organized by Chess Projects at the Ecoresort Le Sirenè of Gallipoli (Le) in collaboration with Caroli Hotels (www.carolihotels.it), Chess24 and Accademia Scacchistica Salentina of Pisignano will start.

The matches of the 50th CIS MASTER 2018, including the participation of 18 great teams (among them the multi-champion Obiettivo Risarcimento Padova), will broadcast online on the Chess Projects’ dedicated website (www.chesspro.it) and on the Chess24 portal (www.chess24.com) with live commentaries, in Italian and in English by our commentators: IM Oskar Wieczorek, WIM Cécile Haussernot, MF Claudio Negrini, MF Roberto Costantini and M. Ludwig Rettore, under the artistic and technical direction of the producer Valeria Ferrara.

We find many interesting players inside the formations that will compete for the title of Italian team champion 2018, among them: GM Francisco Vallejo Pons (Spain), GM Baadur Jobava (Georgia), the current Italian champion, GM Luca Moroni ( Italy), the No. 1 in the Italian FIDE rating list GM Daniele Vocaturo (Italy), GM Sabino Brunello (Italy), GM Danyyil Dvirnyy (Italy), GM Alberto David (Italy), GM Michele Godena (Italy), GM Roberto Mogranzini (Italy) ), GM Aleksandar Delchev (Bulgaria), GM Daniel Sadzikowski (Poland), GM Carlos Horacio Garcia Palermo (Italy), IM Denis Rombaldoni (Italy), IM Luca Shytaj (Italy), GM Boris Chatalbashev (Bulgaria), GM Milan Drasko ( Macedonia), GM Igor Efimov (PdMonaco), IM Fabrizio Bellia (Italy), GM Renier Vazquez Igarza (Spain), GM Lexy Ortega (Italy), GM Michal Krasenkow (Poland) GM Hristos Banikas (Greece), GM Andrea Stella (Italy)

Complete formation at:

The direction of the tournament is entrusted to FIDE I.O. Matteo Zoldan in cooperation with the director of CIS Fabrizio Frigieri, the arbitration is entrusted to A.I. Alessandro Biancotti (main arbiter) and A.F. Gabriele Carbonari (cooperator).

All event information on: http://www.chesspro.it/50cismasterefemminile2018/

Best wishes for success to every team

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